Sunday, February 22, 2009

No itz not about POKER!!!!

Recent days ...of course nights, poker has become the fever of our gang... and it became a night mare to me. It all started as a for-a-change letz try something new... but itz been almost 8 months it never occurred any one to try something else new. You know what, i started this blog while every one of my friends playing poker :)

From day one, i some how never had attempted playing willfully. It was boring and Raz become fond of this lovely game. Poker became his everything then. He played poker even while eating - thanks to the windows application - long live technology :). He always says that once you start playing it will be interesting.. i did try once or twice and i could manage not in first few to be eliminated. The more i was forced to play, the more i repelled. Raz later stopped asking me to play. But i still resisted playing it. It became so obvious that all our friends stopped even to consider me as head count for any day's [i mean nights'...] poker.

I tired to find the reason for this repulsion. was it because that game requires too much of concentration? was it because u need to read people or people read you rather? I couldn't figure it out...! But Raz .. yeah itz kinda addicted... even though he used to come home very tired, he never had forgotten to register for the game of the night... never missed any tournament... the more he became addicted, the more I was annoyed. I started blaming POKER - the PEOPLE GAME for everything... every little thing... i refused even to consider anything that has traces of poker in it.

One day , Gan was asking me the reason for my hatred towards this game. I didn't even think a second about it... i said it was the cause my hubby stopped pay attention to me. It was becoz of this 'stupid' game hez not even talking with me. Gan said to HP, "these girls adamantly refuse something just becoz we guys like them". It was quite a shock to me , how come he never even considered my side. But at that time i didn't think about it much.

But recent days, this incident has been coming into my mind very often. Why he commented in that way? I personally felt the situation was in my favor. What i was trying to justify was quite clear. mmm.. boys are boys.

It is not the only incident, i have heard so many times the terms "girls are girls" . Why is it so different? They always say girls are too emotional and guys behave non-attached to the given situation. This intrigues me a lot.

I deeply believed the idea of "Guys are from Mars & Girls are from Venus" . I thought i could understand many of these conflicts better. But after marriage, i still believe in this idea with slight moderation " Guys are IN mars & Girls are from Venus". It is not just about poker, but in many other aspects, girls' decisions blend towards guys' perspective. It was so hard for me to agree with this. But as days passed, we are gonna hit our first anniversary shortly, i realized that it is better too be that way. Life is smooth when you blend!

As i began to understand this , i stopped complaining about this game. We meet every weekend to play poker and i to sleep. Some times i thought may be i should try this game... but still i wouldn't. When i think about this, i considered myself "too-much"... once AV said if you could adjust for ur frns, they would also consider your options. Yes, i realise this. These days i m thinking, may be i should consider playing this game. May be i can understand life better. :) :)


Unknown said...

Vowww, i like it.. May be they are "IN MARS" :).. Emotion well put!

Unknown said...

nice analysis...need of the day.
as life goes, we all need some new kinda thing (small changes) to make days interesting. from ur blog its clear that we sholud take care that these new things doesnt take much priority. 'boyz r in mars' isn't it? this is because of the inherent weakness / stength given by god;they lack in expression of feelings, talk less..
the msg is very clear,in this fast paced world, we need to be more expressive and sensitive to ours' feelings. talk more. time will change. life is beautiful..

selvi periyasamy said...

i can understand ur feelings vani..Its nice to take good decision..

Anonymous said...

hey vani,

hmmmm. one suggestion why not u become a poker and then everything goes on smooth haha ha ha

zerothLOVE i'm said...

Dear mentor, i would like to make a point here ...what i could infer from ur piece of writing is that you are not playing against the game instead GAME is playing with you...bloody hell poker ;)
you know something , when we try to relate the things , things become very tough towards us. And as far as i remember the best thing that infosys had tought me so far is NEVER ASSSUME THE THINGS...i dont know is it relating to your ocntext or not but somehow it is ;)
And neither boys are from mars nor girls are from venus ; we both belong to this beautiful planet so called earth...we must learn to apprecate each other instead of critizise...before i sound more phylosphical let me end up this by saying...MAN is inegral part of woMAN. Stay happy , enjoy...happiest first anniversary !!!

Manjari said...

hi Vani,
I feel the prob is not with the game, but the quality time u spend with your dear hubby. woman's thought revolves around their men. man's thought revolve just to switch off their brains, after a long day work. They just want to relax, involving themselves in to TV, Friends, Shopping, Games, News but not their wives(this does not apply for newly married ;-) ). Six yrs achi evlo pattu erupein hi hi.. Involve yourself into something of your interest at such times, problem solved.