Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Red carpet – a life time experience

“What will be your reaction if you see Kamal somewhere in the road?” asked one of my seniors when I said that Kamal was my favorite actor during one of those ragging sessions. I replied “If he is with a crowd, then I wouldn’t bother to speak with him and in case if he is alone then I might say a Hi & continue my way”. She asked again, “Is that all? You won’t try to get his autograph? You won’t try to say how much you love his movies, etc”. I was not sure that I would do all those things, because, I never had anything like I should speak with the celebrities, I should get their autographs…but of course I will be excited but not to a fanatic extend. I like them all in the screens – very distant and I want them in my life only that way – very distant!

“I have won a lucky draw & been invited to the world premier of XYZ movie & a dinner party after that and I can bring a guest with me” – When Raz told me this; I thought it was some kind of joke he was playing. But then he was serious, and was went on telling me the about the lucky draw, the movie, the stars that we might meet, the dinner party etc. He said I could speak with DW in person…well, recently we happened to watch few movies of this guy and we both kind of liked him. And meeting him in person mmm a chance which might be remembered for some time. Well the day came and all set with suit & dress. We went to the theater, as soon as we reached the place, we saw a crowd gathered near, there were securities, movie posters, lightings…and there it was the red carpet! The very moment I got into this uneasy mode & suddenly I realized who would have imagined that a girl from a remote village somewhere in India where huge crowd will gather to see even for a guy who wud have just shown his hand in one scene of a flop movie ;), would go for a Hollywood party.. Well...Huh…at least I wouldn’t have imagined. I always have seen myself as part of the crowd that gathered outside to see the celebrities. And this time it was all different… though I m not a celebrity still I was with them and believe me that made me sick. Poor Raz, he couldn’t enjoy becoz of my uneasiness… huh…red carpet – securities—celebrities…all part of party J

After the movie, we went for the dinner party and we were very odd in that troupe. Where ever we went, there was always some one congratulating some one else for the movie, compliments, next project etc and sadly we couldn’t recognize many but those who were appeared in the screen. Not forget to mention, the food was awesome - multi cuisine and very rich. All flashy people from fine suits, heavy makeup to torn jeans & hood sweat shirts. It was almost 30 minutes since we joined the party but still we couldn’t see DW anywhere… were roaming the whole area , peeking through the rich gatherings to see whether we could get to see him. And finally he came with his body guards and friends. He was nothing but simple & handsome…and we approached him…and were planning to take photograph with him. But alas…then came the security guards allowing only those who might be near & dear to him J we needed strong reco to go near him and unfortunately no body knows us to take us near to him J I suddenly got back this feeling…”who the heck is he? Why am I supposed to wait to take a stupid photograph with this guy”.. .and thatz it…though i stood so near but still felt lonely in that sickening crowd. All we could do were standing at a safe [as per security guards] distant the same way I always wanted and Raz took some pics & also he managed to spoke with him. I felt a great relief when we were out of the party, headed back to home.

Red carpet, heavy music, rich food, Hollywood stars...OMG there are people who would have gone crazy to be there… but still the shoes won’t fit for me… and I am kind of content about this. I have this bothering my mind for a long time, i never found so very excited to see such celebs than I feel when I get to see them in the screen . That excitement I get when I see them digitally is too an acquired one… I just found it amusing to behave like a crazy fan…and thus I am excited. But never been really felt that way. Why is that? Because anyway they won’t mind us & why should I mind them? Or Is it because, that I can never be part of that world – being in lime light – and why should I bother them attitude? Or that I am comfortable because I can tease them, appreciate them, do what ever I can when they are in distant, which might never be the same after I meet them!

May be first and last cases. Because, when we were standing there, DW never even knows that are there and so why should I bother him as a live person, which explains the first scenario! For the last one…mmm yeah recently I happen to meet & spend hours of time with GG’s cousin whoz a famous – most liked VJ in TN. As usual, before I knew her, I used to tease a lot & I even had said that to GG. But then, when I met her, it was all so different, VJ image of hers is gone & now she is just another friend – of my world.. Not distant anymore. And lately was watching one of her old recordings and though I felt the urge of teasing somehow I couldn’t do that. It is all changed… may be becoz now she belongs to my world? Or I know her better as a person than as a VJ?

Not sure….which is a life time experience? Meeting DW who doesn’t even know that I m existing in the world…or meeting this VJ who turned out to be a person with whom I can share my child hood memories? Still questing for the answer…


Manjari said...

Celebrity? DW?? I dont know him >;-)
Really who is it?

Vani said...

He hee.. Denzel Washington.